Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
At Cross Roads Baptist, we place a strong emphasis on missions and evangelism. We give a significant portion of our tithes and offerings directly to support the cooperative program of the Southern Baptist Convention, including the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board.
Not only do we have a strong commitment to missions giving, but we also have several church members and families who have served or are currently serving as career missionaries both overseas and in North America.
Cross Roads is also involved in the Operation Christmas Child Program through Samaritan’s Purse International. Our members have also helped with sorting the shoeboxes both locally, and at the national distribution center.
We are also partnering with the Madison, Chester and Crockett Association to impact the lives of those living in the Asembo Bay area of Kenya.
We work to live out our mission in our everyday lives as well. This is true evangelism. Our church members are encouraged to identify lost friends, family members and neighbors and to pray for, and work to share the good news of the gospel with them. We believe that each believer is called and commissioned to share their faith with others, and it is our desire to be found faithful in fulfilling this high calling.
Local evangelism takes on many forms in addition to personal evangelism. Each year our church hosts and participates in many events designed specifically to engage our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. These events include our Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Faith Family & Freedom Fest and our Fall Festival, as well as several community events.
We believe it is best to "GO" together with the gospel. Whether through the cooperative program of the SBC or with each other through evangelism events, we must GO!