Cross Roads Baptist Church was organized September 19, 1915, with fifteen charter members. They were Joe Bridger, Mr & Mrs. Tom Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Buford, Mr. & Mrs. Vern Baldridge, Henry Jenkins, Sam Thomas, Braden Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Edmon Speight, Miss Effie Speight, and Wheet Thomas.
Soon after organization, the church voted to assume the name Cross Roads Baptist Church and was admitted to the Friendship Baptist Association, which is now the Crockett Baptist Association. Cross Roads Baptist Church met in the Cross Roads School until a building was constructed. The building committee was appointed on July 8, 1916. The church was first located on the lot behind the present church building, near Johnsons Grove Road. Later the building was moved, by rolling on logs, to its present location on the Love Road side of the property.
When Cross Roads pastors were first called, they preached approximately one Sunday per month, holding three services the same day. The church has had thirty-two pastors. They were V.E. Boston, Bickers, Baker, Camp, West, Agnew, Brown, Utley, Pierce, Smith, Bailey, Fitzgerald, Patterson, Todd, Sewell, Tapp, Wimberly, Hunter, Billy Copeland, Lewish Parrish, Paul Bryant, HD Hudson, Garry Miller, Terry Bradshaw, Jack Sinclair, Herbert Higdon, Bill Russell, Frank Kemper, Bobby McCord, Stacy Goodwin and our current pastor, Josh Simmons. The church has benefited from the ministry of each pastor.
According to church records, the first deacons were Eugene Buford, Ike Bridger, Rex Buford, H. C. Culwell, and W. T. Via.
The church progressed from half-time to full-time preaching in 1947. Bro. Oscar Patterson was the first full time pastor. In 1948 the church returned to half-time preaching until 1966 when Bro. Lewis Parrish was called full-time.
In 1963 the church voted to add additional space to the building. The new construction included additional classrooms, a dining area, and two restrooms. In 1963 the church purchased a parsonage. In 1971 the first organ was presented to the church by the family of Dan Via. In 1972 a larger building program was begun. This included extra classrooms, a larger dining area, kitchen and the bricking of the church. In 1974 Rev. Lewis Parrish led the Crockett Baptist Association to oppose sale of liquor in Crockett County. In 1978 the church began a building program to renovate the sanctuary and the work was completed the following year.
In 1980 the church paid off the debt on the sanctuary remodel. That same year the church began another building program to add a new education building. The education building was completed in 1981. In 1984, the debt on the education building was retired. In 1995, after a generous gift from the estate of Lemmie and Lessie Gooch, the church built a full court gymnasium, with attached kitchen, two nursery rooms, and restrooms.
2000s-Present Day
In 2009, the church remodeled the main education building with new carpet and paint. In 2015, the members raised money to purchase a baby grand piano in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the church. In March of 2020, the church was thrust into a new area of ministry as the COVID-19 virus brought much of our society to a halt. Online worship services began, followed by parking lot services. By August of 2020, the church was re-gathering in the Gym for social distancing. By Christmas, the church had returned to regular worship services, but online streaming of our Sunday service continues.
In the Summer of 2021, the need for a church bus was brought to the attention of the church. Within 2 months, money was pledged or donated and the church was able to purchase a 15 passenger bus in January of 2022. Also in January of 2022, the church began the process of remodeling the Sanctuary after a water leak caused damage to much of the area near the foyer and restrooms. The church updated the lighting, sound and video system, installed new carpet and new custom pews, as well as a complete remodel of the restrooms and foyer. The Sanctuary re-opened on Mother's Day 2022.
In June of 2023, Bro. Josh Simmons announced plans to raise money and build a playground in memory of his late wife, Cynthia. The funds were raised by August and equipment arrived in October. Over 25 members of the congregation worked to assemble the playground on several Saturdays and Ms. Cynthia's Playground was dedicated on March 24, 2024.
Over the last 100+ years, Cross Roads has grown from fifteen members to the current membership of over 200. Over 550 people have been saved and baptized through the ministry of Cross Roads. There have been multiple members surrender to vocational ministry as pastors and missionaries. Many we have known and loved through years have gone to their heavenly home. Cross Roads stands today because of the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and because of the commitment of the men and women who have dedicated their lives and given of their resources to support its ministry. Should the Lord tarry, our prayer is that Cross Roads will stand as a beacon of truth in this community for the generations to come.